Phone: 086 6045715


Address: Bolinaspick,


Co. Wexford  Y21 TD93

086 6045715



ACTAEA: Also known as Cimicifuga


These plants like moist, fertile, organnically rich soil in partial shade.  If grown in sun they need much more moisture and the dark coloured foliage types will burn in hot sun.  Division can be done in Spring  Plants take about three years to reach maturity.  




They like full sun and rich, moist, well drained soil.  They detest dry sand. In general the largest flowered and broadest leaved Agapanthus tend to be more tender and should be grown in containers so they can be brought in for the winter. The smaller flowered with narrow leaves tend to be more hardy. Agapanthus in pots should be repotted each year in April to a larger pot. Agapanthus may be split in early April  When dividing Agapanthus it is advisable to divide into a few large multicrowned chunks.  If cut into too small a piece they will take a long time to recover and flower again. May, June and July feed weekly with tomato fertiliser every two weeks.  


Anemone nemerosa: 


Also known as Wood Anemone.  They have a creeping habit and prefer some shade and moisture retentive soil.  Flowering February to April. 



Aster. n.a.:


These Aster flower in late summer into autumn and are usually very showy plants.  They thrive in full sun or light shade.  As they come into flower the bottom leaves become somewhat dried up.  The taller varieties can be cut back in July by about one third to make the plant less tall and it will have the effect of making the plant flower a little later. 




Deadheading can prolong blooming into September.  Deadhead to lateral flower buds, when secondary bloom finishes cut down flowering stems to basal foliage.  Yellowing of the foliage may occur in summer, particularly in dry conditions.  Prefers moist, shady, high organic matter conditions.  Can grow in sun if kept constantly moist.  Division in spring or autumn every 4-5 years.




Although slow to establish Baptisia is a tough plant, drought tolerant, and low maintenance once it takes off.  Will take low fertility soils very well.  Will not usually require division for 10 years or more.  




Are part of the cabbage family.  A creeping perennial with three lobed dark green leaves and white flowers in spring. 





These are woodland plants and like moist but well drained soil. The flowers are produced in spring and deadheading will keep them in flower longer. 




Wonderful stately plants and like to grow in moist but well drained soil in full sun or part shade. They grow from corms and can be planted like bulbs. Dig a generous hole about 7-10cm deep and add some well rotted compost or other organic matter.   




These plants like full sun to part shade.  Deadhead to lateral flower buds if present if not cut off old flowering spikes at a lateral leaf.  After all secondary flowering is completed and the old stems start to decline, cut back to newly developed basal foliage.  Plants will benefit from a top dressing of compost and fertilising with a quick release soluble fertiliser at the same time.  When the young shoots are 15cm tall thin by approximately one third, leaving at least 3-5 healthy stems per mature clump.  Do not plant too deep.  Will require staking.  Heavy feeders so may need additional fertiliser in spring or summer. 






Sea Holly.  Individual flowers are ornamental for a long period of time and deadheading doesnt seem to prolong bloom.  However we have found that cutting to the ground after flowering will produce wonderful new foliage and often a second flush of smaller flowers.  Does require very well drained soil, in fact thrives in dry, sandy soil.  Tolerant of neglect during dry summers.  




Joe Pye Weed.  You can pinch plants in early June when they are about 90cm, this causes five breaks to emerge from the one pinched stem, creating full plants with slightly smaller flowers.  The plants heigh is normally not reduced by this pruning.  They prefer moist locations, but once established plants are tough and tolerate short periods of drought.  Division can be done in spring but only if needed or they get too big for the stop you give them.  






Rebloom is minimal with deadheading.  If foliage declines in late summer, cut the plants to the ground for a low fresh mound of leaves. Be certain to keep moist to encourage regrowth.  Best in moist, high organic soil.  Tolerant of light shade.  




They are fully hardy and can grow in sun or shade.  They have beautiful trumpet shaped flowers and can either flower in spring or indeed in autumn. 





The best way of keeping your Geraniums looking good all summer and into autumn is to continually deadhead.  In some cases they can be sheared back hard to promote new foliage growth and more flowers. Most prefer well drained soil.




Deadhead to lateral flowers, then when all flowering on the spike is finished cut down to the foliage.  Plants can often remain semi evergreen into the winter.  








Plants require sufficient moisture during the summer for best performance.  Frequest division, say every 3-4 years, is neede to maintain vigour, this should be done in Spring as Helenium resent being divided in autumn.  Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering.




Also known as False Sunflowers. They are not fussy about the soil and will even grow in quite poor soil.  Will also grow in light shade. Very attractive to bees and butterflies. 




If earlier blooming forms are deadheaded, sporadic rebloom may occur later in the season.  The foliage may decline after flowering, if necessary cut back to one half to improve the appearance.  Do not cut foliage bck for the winter.  Cut back in spring when all threat of frost is over. 




Commonly known as Toadflax. 


Thrive in moderately fertile soil, dislikes heavy clay. Usually flower between May and October. Deadhead regularly. 





Plants should be deadheaded or sheared to the ground after flowring.  This encourages lush low plants behind which tall later blooming perennials can be planted.  Keep plants moist after pruning and some reblooming may occur.  Excellent plants for wet soils.  




Deadhead to prolong blooming.  Cutting back once or twice before flowering encourages more compact growth and delayed flowering. Plants cut back by one half in early May, when approximately 25cm tall flower about 2 weeks later than unpruned plants.  Divide every 2-3 years to control spread and to keep plants strong.  Division also prevents a hole from developing in the centre of the clump.




If sheared back by about two thirds after flowering  plants stay more compact and the new growth holds the strong grey-green colour longer. Often re-blooming will occur.  Division, if required, can be done in the spring.




Grow in full sun in well drained soil. Most have small tubular flowers with a trailing habit. 





Deadheading is essential for plenty of flower production.  They like a sunny spot in the garden.  Do not cut back old foliage at the end of the Autumn wait until the new growth starts to appear in Spring.  




They grow well in light or dappled shade. They can be divided in spring which is the best method of propagation. 




Deadheading of perennial Salvia encourages a long bloom period. Deadhead to lateral buds.  Provide well drained soil for best performance.  They have a tendency to flop if given too much shade or overly rich soil.  Any division should be done in the spring.




Deadhead after flowering to enjoy the attractive blue green leaves. Divide every 4-5 years.  




Plants may flop if grown in too much shade or in overly rich soil.  They respond well to the Chelsea chop in May.  Plants can be cut back to 10cm when they are about 20cm tall.  Provide well drained soil and full sun for best performance.  Drought tolerant.  




Most species of Thalictrum are happy growing in sun or part shade in rich, moist but well drained soil. Can be cut back when first flush of flowers have been produced, you will get at least new foliage and very often a second flush of flowers. 




Also known as Swamp Verbena. Thrives in full sun or part shade and in moist or wet soil.  Much loved by bees and butterflies. 




Great for late season colour.  Easily grown in medium to wet well drained soil and full sun.  If grown in shade it will flop over.  Cut back after first flowering so as to get a possible second flush later in the year.