Phone: 086 6045715


Address: Bolinaspick,


Co. Wexford  Y21 TD93

086 6045715

GEUM 'Rubin'

GEUM 'Rubin'
GEUM 'Rubin'

These wonderful plants have been flowering in our garden since May and are still doing so today despite temperatures down to -7degrees.  They produce long branched stems over a tight mount of long serrated mid green leaves.  The flowers which are scarlet red, are semi double and stand out amongst many of our perennials.  It is advisable to remove faded flowers reguarly to encourage more buds, and therefore more flowers.  It is also advisable to divide these plants every 3 to 4 years, preferably in the springtime.  We have found Geums to be resistant to our influx of rabbits this year.  They prefer full sun and will take quite a bit if moisture in the soil.  60cm.